Opening of Meeting and Welcome Remarks

Mr. Toshio Morita, Chairman and CEO of Japan Securities Dealers Association

Guest Speech: Challenges in the Asian bond markets and ABMI’s initiatives

Satoru Yamadera, Advisor, Asian Development Bank

Discussion 1

Trends and Developments of Transition Finance in Asia

Discussion amongst ASF members
  • Introduction of the survey result of the ASF Study Group on Transition Finance by ASF Secretariat
  • Regarding developments of transition finance in Asia by ICMA
  • Information exchange among ASF members

Discussion 2

Applying ESG in an Asian Style that Befits Us

Discussion amongst ASF members
  • Introduction of the key topic “Applying ESG in an Asian Style that Befits Us” by SAS
  • Information exchange among ASF members
Future AGMs for 2023 to 2027
  • Regarding the plans for the AGMs 2023 to 2027 and the member profile questionnaire by ASF Secretariat
  • Current planning status for the 2023 AGM by the BBF
Administrative Information
  • – Regarding copy right and personal information by ASF Secretariat
Any Other Business and Close of Meeting
  • Members welcome to raise any issues they want to discuss


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